Here are eleven specific things that churches around the country are doing that could help you make this year your church’s most generous year to date. As you well know, people give to vision. Period. But sometime the reasons people don’t give is because a church is not up to date with how 21st century people prefer to give towards vision. Here are a few things culturally … [Read more...]
Do One Thing At A Time
Try it. Before you start something new, finish the thing that you’re working on. Things Unfinished Finish that book you so desperately needed three weeks ago, but now languishes on your nightstand. I don’t mean feel the need to finish every book you start (because we pick some lemons from time to time, don’t we?). I mean “finish” it. “Finishing” a book, to me, means I … [Read more...]
Becoming A Minimalist Pastor
We would all agree that the worst possible rut to ever be in as a Pastor is living in a perpetual state of distraction, overwhelm, and superficiality. Yet, if someone were to ask us how we’re doing, we’d be lying if we didn’t say that’s how we spend the majority of our week. We race from one “oh that’s good enough” partially finished task to the next. In his book The … [Read more...]
4x4x4 Coaching Process: The Key To Helping Staff Lead At The Next Level
I’ve never met a Senior Pastor who didn’t have the ability to do an outstanding job leading their staff, but I have met quite a few who didn’t have a clear plan in place for making that happen. I would like to share with you a very simple framework for coaching your staff that will make your job, and theirs, much easier. I call it 4x4x4. A 4x4x4 coaching process is when a … [Read more...]