Here’s to the Pastors The ones you’ve never heard of. The custodians of 30 million secrets for 30 million heavy souls. Those worn down by time and place. Walking, no, limping besides those they are pushing towards glory. Here’s to the Pastors who with futures uncertain, mark their days by tasks largely unseen. To the ones who serve churches with stories rarely … [Read more...]
4 Changes Senior Pastors Must Make To Break The 200 Barrier
If your church is under 200 in attendance every weekend, you’re in good company. Every study out there suggests that more than half of the 300,000 churches in the United States are in the same boat. The bad news is that the 200 barrier is where congregational and pastoral dreams for evangelistic impact come to die. The challenges that stand before you are extraordinary, but … [Read more...]
Should You Start A Saturday Night Service?
A number of years ago a friend emailed me and asked my advice about whether or not I thought his church should start a Saturday night service. Lots of pastors routinely weigh whether or not this is a good move, and rightly so. I thought I'd share what I told him. It's the same advice I share with Senior Pastors I coach: Vince, Here was our experience in a nutshell: 1. We … [Read more...]