I have a friend who swears that drinking water and walking is the key to optimal health. He walks 50 miles a week and is in great shape. I have another friend who does CrossFit four times a week and claims his Paleo eating plan is the best way to stay fit. He too has the physique to prove it. I have yet another friend who claims that eating a purely vegan diet and … [Read more...]
8 Ways Senior Pastors Can Prevent Burnout
I’m seeing a disturbing trend. As of late a number of highly gifted Senior Pastor friends of mine leading smaller to medium-sized churches have come perilously close to burning out. Now, there has always been burnout in ministry as long as there have been Senior Pastors. But my read on this is that the stress placed on the shoulders of leaders in the trenches is … [Read more...]
Why We Procrastinate On Writing Sermons (And How I’m Trying To Fix It)
I procrastinate on writing my messages. I plan lots of time at the beginning of my week to study and write my message but inevitably something arises leadership-wise that causes me to take the time I planned for sermon development and devote it to some other worthy cause. Why do I keep doing that? Let me pull the lid off this thing and examine it. The Cause of … [Read more...]
Why Churches Should Euthanize Small Groups
As Senior Pastors, one of the most important questions we need to ask ourselves on a regular basis is, "Are we actually making disciples?" We must evaluate everything we do with that question in mind. No program or initiative can be kept if it does fulfill the objective of making more and better disciples. Asking this question, and taking action, can be quite painful. But it's … [Read more...]
2 Things Senior Pastors Can Do To Regain Their Passion To Reach Lost People
As a Senior Pastor you’re going to lose your evangelistic passion from time to time. That’s normal. The question is how do you get it back? Whenever I’ve lost my evangelistic passion, here’s what I’ve always done to get it back. 1. Pray this prayer multiple times a day: “God give me your heart for people in this area.” Over the years, whenever I’ve lost my passion for people … [Read more...]