I want you to be brutally honest with yourself, because how you answer this simple question should determine the focus of your remaining years in ministry. Are you someone who loves to lead, but has to preach? Or are you someone who loves to preach, but has to lead? There is no right or wrong answer. Are You a Leader or a Preacher? There are Senior Pastors who LOVE … [Read more...]
How Much Detail Should Senior Pastors Publicly Share About Their Sins?
I’ve always had great respect for Senior Pastors who wear their souls on their sleeves. But who among us hasn’t, for the sake of a quick laugh or a momentary pull on the heartstrings, shared something from the stage they wished they could take back? It’s a fine line to meander. A few years ago I was preaching on some topic, I don’t remember now what it was, but I’ll never … [Read more...]