167 items. That’s how many things I had put into my electronic task-management system to do. That’s no exaggeration. One hundred sixty-seven items. ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-SEVEN. Why did my to-do list get that bloated? Any time I thought of something that I should do, I’d add it to my list: “Read this book.” “Call this person.” “Start this thing.” “Fix this link.” “Pray about … [Read more...]
Why Senior Pastors Should Quit Social Media (or, what Cal Newport can teach us about sermon writing)
In his book Deep Work, Cal Newport warns about the danger of what he calls “attention residue,” the lingering effects of switching back and forth between tasks. We sit down to study for a sermon, then we check our email. We sit down to study for a sermon, then we check social media. We sit down to study for a sermon, then we are interrupted by a knock at the door. We … [Read more...]