In the past few weeks, I've lost count of how many Senior Pastors I've talked to whose churches are hemorrhaging financially. Dealing with a massive budget shortfall is something every Senior Pastor will face sooner than later. Churches get into this situation when a combination of the following five factors are in play: Common sense budgeting, forecasting, and … [Read more...]
Enhance Your Hiring With A Ministry Staff Questionnaire
My goal when hiring someone is to get as much information ahead of time to help me decide whether or not I want to take the next step with them. I accomplish this by giving all candidates a lengthy questionnaire to fill out before we move to face-to-face interviews. Part of the reason for giving this to people is to get actual information. I want to know everything that is … [Read more...]
Senior Pastor Administrative Assistant Job Description
So many Senior Pastors I’ve coached over the years haven’t had the administrative support they’ve needed, not because there isn’t help available (both paid and volunteer), but because they’ve never taken the time to completely flesh out all the ways other people can help them. Below is an exhaustive list of all the administrative tasks I need support for. I shared this list … [Read more...]